One of the fun things about going to a conference of book publishers (IBPA) is meeting people. Kate Tews from Opsimath Press was the sort that introverts like me love. She sat right down with Jen and me at the Epic! sponsored breakfast and immediately started spouting great ideas she has used to promote her husband’s book.
One of the most successful tool she used when she attended the American Librarian Association conference was a bookmark. She attended to promoting Welfy Q Deederhoth: Meat Purveyor and World Savior by Eric Laster. Kate is effervescent and an enthusiastic supporter of Eric’s YA book but she just needed the Librarians to slow down a minute to tell them about the orphan and homeless runaway who stumbles into an alternate universe.
Kate went to the ALA conference armed with some nifty bookmarks with stickers but what stopped the librarians long enough hear her “elevator speech” was: “Free Bookmarks! Fits almost any size book!”
If any of you out there can think of something I can give or shout to stop rushing throngs at a book convention, I’ll consider it. (And if I use any suggestion, I’ll send you a free Material Media Book or a copy of Welfy Q).
I want those throngs of book people to stop long enough to see Gordon Atkinson books, the art book of Raymundo Gonzalez, John Philip Newell’s books and The Rev. Mary Earle’s tapes.